čtvrtek 21. června 2012
The United
States of America is the fourth largest country in the word. It’s bigger than
the whole of europe, but it isn’t the largest country in North America. that’s Canada.
There are five time zones in the USA. So, when it’s twelve o’clock in New York,
it’s only eight o’clock in alaska. The third longest river in the word is in
the USA. it’s the Mississippi-Missouri River. The USA is the richest country in
the word. It produces more food, iron, cars, aeroplanes, books, music and TV
programmes than any other country in the word.
Project 2
Spojené státy jsou čtvrtou
největší zemí na světě. Je největší v celé Evropě, ale není největší zemí v
Severní Americe. to je Kanada. Existuje pět časových pásem v USA. Takže, když
je dvanáct hodin v New Yorku, je teprve osm hodin v Aljašce. Třetí nejdelší
řeka na světě je v USA. je to řeka Mississippi-Missouri. USA je nejbohatší země
na světě. Vyrábí více jídla, železa, aut, letadel, knih, hudeb a televizních
programů, než jakákoliv jiná země na světě
zdroj: http://translate.google.cz/?hl=cs&tab=wT#en|cs|The%20United%20States%20of%20America%20is%20the%20fourth%20largest%20country%20in%20the%20word.%20It%E2%80%99s%20bigger%20than%20the%20whole%20of%20europe%2C%20but%20it%20isn%E2%80%99t%20the%20largest%20country%20in%20North%20America.%20that%E2%80%99s%20Canada.%20There%20are%20five%20time%20zones%20in%20the%20USA.%20So%2C%20when%20it%E2%80%99s%20twelve%20o%E2%80%99clock%20in%20New%20York%2C%20it%E2%80%99s%20only%20eight%20o%E2%80%99clock%20in%20alaska.%20The%20third%20longest%20river%20in%20the%20word%20is%20in%20the%20USA.%20it%E2%80%99s%20the%20Mississippi-Missouri%20River.%20The%20USA%20is%20the%20richest%20country%20in%20the%20word.%20It%20produces%20more%20food%2C%20iron%2C%20cars%2C%20aeroplanes%2C%20books%2C%20music%20and%20TV%20programmes%20than%20any%20other%20country%20in%20the%20word.
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